Twelve days in the county jail? With overcrowding and "good behavior", she'll likely only be forced to serve 1/3 = 4 days. They may even let her serve it on the weekend: go in Friday night, stay until Sunday night and go back home. I guess we should be grateful that, after all the years of complaints of animal cruelty and neglect, they finally did something.
The Lewiston Tribune reports that 55-year-old Teresa Rai Davis of Moscow received the sentenced Thursday in Latah County Magistrate Court.

She must also serve two years of unsupervised probation.
Davis told Magistrate William C. Hamlett that she didn't believe she neglected the horses and people perjured themselves during her trial, making her the victim.
Since June 1999, Davis has been charged five times with animals at-large, three times with permitting animals to go without care, twice with cruelty to animals and once with failure to provide adequate fencing.

Hamlett noted Davis rejected multiple offers to help, and that she was on probation for a previous violation of Idaho's animal care statutes.
Another hearing is set for May 8 to determine how much restitution Davis must pay. The state is seeking $12,000.

(LM Tribune - April 14, 2017)
- Idaho: Teresa Davis, 55, has been abusing animals - and getting away with it - for years. They're trying again, though, and have seized five of her starving horses
- Idaho: In court, Teresa Davis, 55, pleaded not guilty to five counts of animal cruelty
- Idaho: Court to determine if horses will be returned to Moscow owner Teresa Davis
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