The 3-year-old is recovering after having her legs and abdomen bitten while playing along Poplar Street Wednesday night.

Neighbors who witnessed the attack and called 911 described a frightening scene.
“A little girl just got bit by a dog, and it’s really bad,” one caller told dispatchers.
A man who lives right next door to the dog’s owner explained that the dog snapped its chain to go after a group of kids playing in the same yard.
Andrew Combs thinks the dog was going after a ball that the kids were playing with.
“She went to go get (the ball), and the dog just snapped the chain and took off,” Combs said.
Um, yeah Andrew. The Pit Bull, which was chained to the porch with a PRONG COLLAR, broke free to grab the ball. And it SOMEHOW missed the ball and grabbed the child's leg and stomach by MISTAKE. Duh.
One 911 caller told police that as people were working to get help for that little girl, the owner of the dog, Eddie Butts, and a woman, Liasha Williams, were fleeing the scene.
The caller tells the 911 dispatcher, "They're running off with the damn dog!"

Elmwood Place police said Butts is charged with obstructing official business.
The girl, who was seriously injured, is in stable condition after going through surgery, according to police.
(WLWT - April 13, 2017)