Saturday, September 2, 2017

California: Horse attacked by a Pit Bull

CALIFORNIA -- Holly Hitzeman added 4 photos and 2 videos to Facebook August 31, 2017 · Moreno Valley, CA ·

Today, while this horse was in it's stall minding it's own business, a pit bull that had escaped off of it's leash, entered her stall and started attacking her.


This video shows the horse trying it's best to defend itself but the pit bull would not stop. The pit bull ended up latching onto the horse's face, belly, flank, and legs, causing damage that required 5 hours worth of stitching and stapling.

Yes, dogs have a natural instinct to chase and hunt but I have personally seen way too many pit bull attacks where the pit bulls became fixated on their target and would not stop the attack, where most other dogs would have stopped.

The person recording is the owner of the horse that was there when it all happened. She did the right thing by quickly moving to a safe spot because the dog could have been people aggressive and the horse had a greater chance of effectively defending itself than the owner.

I am so done with pit bulls and will not trust them again.



Heather Lauren - My friends dog got off leash one time & it was a pit bull. It started chasing my horse, Fancy. Fancy ended up stomping on the dog, broke it's ribs and punctured it's lung. That stopped the dog from it's attack. Fortunately, I got really lucky that she caused damage before the dog did. She's my best friend but I would not have hesitated to protect my horse over her dog. This type of shit infuriates me.

Efren Abrego - Get rid of that pit bull

Holly Hitzeman - It was Euthanized post incident

Katie Marie - A pit bull attacked me and my dog a couple years back. It was off its leash and just came charging at us out of nowhere. I was trying so hard to get him off my dog and the fucker would not let go of my poor dogs neck! Thank God my dog survived. Til this day we're still traumatized and I don't trust pits whatsoever! Sorry for the people who have pits... I just can't trust them anymore.

Hannah Raubolt - I always like to hear peoples comments on pit bulls. The 2 we did own, one was sooo good. The other just attacked any dog we had no idea why because we did not train him or neglect him in any way so of course we had to give him away we had no idea if he would go after a human or not and didn't want to take the chance. So I have a love/hate relationship with pit bulls. You just never know.

Dustan Smith - This stuff kills me. . . The fact people take the fact that "a breed" is bad or aggressive. Look at any ankle biter. They are aggressive. Blame the people who raise the fucking dogs incorrectly. I have 3 pit bulls. Never attacked anyone or any innocent animals. . . Birds or squirrels. . . But, stick to your opinion. Just know it's slightly more than a little ignorant...

Holly Hitzeman - Like, i said, we all have our own opinions 😊

Kris King - Dustan, "Ignorant" is denying genetics. Pits maul and kill more people, pets, and animals than all other breeds COMBINED.

Single pit bulls have killed their healthy adult male owners. Hope one of your pits doesn't act out its breeding, or you will be in trouble.

Jennifer Holly - I'm dealing with a bite wound on a horse's belly struggling to heal from a pit bull attack he was tied we just never thought the dog would do it but then I have to Pit Bull mixes you just don't know but there's a sweetest kindest things I love pit bulls I think they're fantastic dogs loyal trusting kind it's just how they were bred just have to watch them until you know you just diligent

Jennifer Holly's horse was mauled by a Pit Bull, yet she feels the need to tell us all how "fantastic", "loyal", "trusting" and "kind" she thinks Pit Bulls are SMH