Saturday, September 2, 2017

Georgia: Man takes in stray, injured Pit Bull. Pit Bull repays his kindness by trying to kill his little buddy Roscoe, ripping his jaws in half

GEORGIA -- Ronald Bailey posted on Facebook August 29, 2017 ·

A sorrowful thing has happened last night just before dark, but first the rest of the story.

A couple weeks ago, we took in a stray pit bull. He had been used for fighting, very undernourished, and bleeding. We treated his wounds and fed him back to health. All the while he played with Roscoe ( MY little long haired dachshund, and Minnie,(a LOVELY FEMALE SHITZAMITZAFITSU), both the True Loves of my LIFE.

Walking back from gathering clothes off the line, all three dogs were playing and frolicking, all over our giant yard. When I got closer to the house, Roscoe was chasing "Tux" the pit bull, and playing as usual.

Suddenly, without warning Tux turned on Roscoe and pinned him to the ground, and began viciously attacking his throat and face, and poor little Roscoe's blood was being slung in all directions. 

I ran to help Roscoe, who was screaming at the top of his lungs, but I was almost too late. 

Moving Roscoe to a safe area, I turned and beat Tux senseless with my bare hands. I got rid of him.

Turning my attention Roscoe, I noticed that his mouth was bleeding profusely. He was wailing and trying to get away, shaking so bad, I thought he was dying. I quickly, but gently, opened his mouth, but discovered his bottom mandible, between the two Mental Formina, was completely broken in two, on both sides.

I desperately tried to locate a veterinarian, but could not. this morning, I took him to our family Veterinarian, only to discover, I had identified the injury properly. He is now in the pet hospital, with his mouth and both jaws WIRED IN PLACE!

The vet said he would have died from his injuries, in another few hours, and that, his left side was so damaged, that he may never have a proper again. Then he said, that is if he makes it thru the next coupla days. He has to be on IV fluids, for four days, monitored like he is in ICU, and here I sit. Broken, at a complete loss, and can do nothing....but....wait.

Imagine your baby, attacked by an animal, fifteen times his size and weight, having his life ripped from him. Please, I beg you family, friends, and loved ones, if you believe that God can heal Roscoe...... Pray for his recovery and future. If his jaw doesn't reset, and he makes it, he will be on a special diet, for the rest of his life.

I promise the world, the next time a big dog comes in my yard, he will die the same miserable death, as the other one did.


Ronald Bailey - Here's an interesting fact I would like to add to this post. Two people have asked me for the veterinarian clinic's phone number, where Roscoe is being kept. They are donating to his bill, of which I have no one to do.

Many of my facebook friends, and even strangers helped me out a number of years ago, and for that I remain grateful. I would not and will not impose such a request. However, if you choose to donate, P L E A S E do not tell me. I would rather you receive your blessing, by keeping the act private.

The name of the clinic is Bryan-Hight Veterinary Hospital. The Doctors are Eddie Hight and Kandace Roberts. Their phone number is 229-246-8600.

I am grateful to everyone for their concern. I will update Roscoe's condition around 16:30 hrs, this afternoon. That's 4:30 p.m. EST.