This morning I got some terribly sad news.
Archie, from our 2016 Strathyre Litter was attacked and killed by a pit bull while out for a morning walk on leash with his owner Hannah Lucas.
Rest in peace, Archie
The pit bull wore no collar or tags and came shooting out from beside a house right in their own neighborhood.
Poor little Archie did nothing to provoke the attack and lay down and made no move to defend himself. The Pit bull did so much damage that even though they did rush Archie to the Vet's they were unable to save him and he died within the hour.
Archie is second from the left.
Hannah is truly devastated and says she doesn't know how she will ever manage without her sweet boy Archie. He was one and a half years old, but already very wise and a kind, sweet soul.
Dogs have inbred instincts and the instinct of the Pit bull, the reason he was bred, was to kill other dogs in a dogfight.
Please do not tell me it is the owner who makes the dog vicious. It is not! They were designed and bred to kill.
In Ontario, anyone who chooses to keep such a dangerous dog must muzzle that dog whenever it is out of the house. Of course part Pit bull breeding also throws up many dangerous animals.
Dori's littermate Oliver was nearly killed by a Pit bull a month ago in a dog park. If Oliver's big strong owner had not been there to bravely choke the Pit bull until it let go of Oliver, and had they not been able to get to the vet fast enough, Oliver, Archie's uncle, would be dead too.
Please people be very careful in any public place particularly if you have a male. Two deadly attacks in two different states to our own dear Collie family is heartbreaking. Please pray for Hannah who is completely destroyed by this terrible tragedy.

Hannah started a GoFundMe page to cremate Archie. In less than 2 weeks, her friends, family and Collie lovers donated and she met her goal. She posted some beautiful photos of sweet Archie. Collies are like Golden Retrievers; they've had excellent breeding and you rarely hear of them having aggression issues. I'm sure Archie was no match against this killer Pit Bull.
Created October 10, 2017
Hannah Lucas
$505 of $500 goal
Raised by 16 people in 12 days
Hello, everyone.
As most of you know I had recently lost a child due to a sensless act of violence.
Everyone who knew Archie was touch by his kind, gentle soul.
I've already paid off his vet bills but wanted any sort of help possible for paying his cremation and memorial. His ashes should be delivered to us by Saturday, next monday at the latest and I can provide a photo receipt for proof then.
That's a link to the memorials I would like so there can be price verification.
To those who has, I'm choosing not to bury him because we are moving soon and I want to always have him with me.
Thank you so much for your time.
RIP, rest easy, Archie
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