Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Pennsylvania: Daniel Troyer arrested, accused of starving and overworking his emaciated horse

PENNSYLVANIA -- A Reynoldsville man has been charged for allegedly driving a disabled horse, as well as other animal cruelty charges.

Daniel Troyer, of 374 Shin Bone Road, was charged by Jefferson County’s humane officer with non-traffic summary citations for using a disabled horse, animal cruelty, and animal neglect.

The citations, which were filed with District Judge David Inzana, stem from a concerned call which led to an animal welfare check on Oct. 7 and an emergency seizure of the standardbred horse due to starvation.

Court documents say Troyer was seen driving and overloading the horse while it was emaciated.

The animal has since been taken to Willow Run Animal Sanctuary in Brookville, where it will remain in custody until the case is resolved.

Its president and founder Margo Stefanic said the horse, now named “Merlin,” hasn’t stopped eating. She added that veterinarians have said the horse is likely to “bounce back.”

“It looks like he was seriously deprived of food. I have a very good feeling the owner that had him wasn’t a very responsible owner,” Stefanic added. “He’s a good boy and he seems in better spirits now.”

She added the sanctuary is accepting financial donations or donations of hay to help care for the horse until the charges are resolved.

Humane officer Debbie McAndrew is asking for Troyer to forfeit the horse and for a prohibition of animal ownership for a time to be determined by the court.

In each citation she also asked for up to 90 days in jail and a fine between $50-750.

(thecourierexpress.com - Oct 19, 2017)

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