Friday, November 3, 2017

(October 2017) Illinois: "A Pit Bull just attacked my Skippy"

ILLINOIS -- Diane Wheeler posted on Facebook October 19 at 12:08pm ·

This is what the pit bull did to my Skippy.

Thomas Lorenson - Sorry prayers

Dodie Ruddell - Omg

Diane Wheeler - Thank u guys 4 ur love and concern he has 4 staples on the throat he could of been killed the dog just ran across the street at us and attacked him i was walking him with a harness and leash like I'm suppose to

Bama Reynolds - I strongly loath that breed of dog. One killed our Pomeranian just 6 months ago and another one put 80 stitches in my brothers face. I hope your Skippy pulls through..

Jaime Brunkan Dial - Two killed my boxer...after knowing for 4 years. We all loved and trusted them before that night. Never again will I say it's all in how they're raised.

Katherine Polk - I'm sorry this tragedy happened. However, the breed as a whole is not to be blamed. I work in the animal field, so trust me when I say all breeds can be bad. I personally have been attacked needing emergency care by a spitz, also family member attacking needing emergency care by a chihuahua. I can go on and on. Point is ALL breeds can be an issue.

Jaime Brunkan Dial - We know Katherine...we know. Any victims advocate that speaks out hears this....tho other breeds aren't killing close to the rate of pits. Not even all other breeds combined.

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