Friday, November 3, 2017

(October 2017) Texas: "Our dog was my son's best friend. It was a very hard decision for him to make to put her to sleep. My fur baby didn't have a chance against them evil dogs"

TEXAS -- Manda Rae is feeling heartbroken at Barrio Denver Harbor.
October 14 at 8:52pm · Houston, TX

There are two pit bulls walking around attacking dogs in DH by Eliot. Today took a turn for the worst.

They attacked my Dog. She was a Chihuahua Mix breed. My brother actually saved a small dog last week being attacked by the same pit bulls. 

Unfortunately my doggie didn't make it. I took her to the Vet and she had a collapsed lung and the punctures went all the way through her chest.

The pit bulls do belong to someone, they are well-kept and well fed. If you happen to see them walking the the neighborhood please beware.

Our dog was my son's best friend. It was a very hard decision for him to make to put her to sleep. My fur baby didn't have a chance against them evil dogs.

Jose Mendez - Poor baby!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo sorry. Everyone always says that the breed is safe, yet time and time again THEY KILL. They are safe in a fence or a chain 0nly.

April Ibarra - What color was the dogs

Manda Rae - It's a white & grey, and a light brown pit bull that's attacking small dogs

April Ibarra - I seen the white and gray this morning we walked the other way cause my kids were scared and the sad thing is the city wont pickup the dogs unless u chain them

Manda Rae - April Ibarra, yes.... it has been taunting all the little dogs. My poor baby buried his dog and has been sitting by her side the whole time crying. As a mother I would of done anything to bring her back to good health for him. He is so heart broken it's unreal.

April Ibarra - Im so sorry i know how hard it is to lose a dog especially one ur so close to i hope he feels better sending prayers to you and your family im truly sorry for your loss

Manda Rae - April Ibarra, thank you.

Noemi C Fuentez - So sad It breaks my heart

Julia Martinez - That same white n grey one attacked our German Sheppard. I think the dogs owners stay somewhere near lathrop from Hillsboro to Texarkana that's where they( the dogs) be roaming @

Manda Rae - Julia Martinez, I'm so sorry to hear that. My poor fur baby didn't make it through the attack. ????

Jose Cortina - So sorry for your loss. Call the police and file a report. If you're going to own any dog, you need to be responsible for their actions. The owner of those dogs need to be held accountable for your family's loss.

Manda Rae - I agree.... they attacked her on our porch. It was like murder scene and my son just broke down crying.

Jose Cortina - I've seen too many end results of loose dangerous dogs as a firefighter. So frustrating and awful when this sort of thing happens. I hope you find out who owns the dogs to prevent this from happening again.

Manda Rae - Jose Cortina, I do too.... my poor puppy didn't deserve this. My kids didn't deserve this heartbreak.

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