Tuesday, May 24, 2011

California: Woman Attacked By Pit bull Speaks Out

CALIFORNIA -- A young child was about to be attacked by a dog, until a Northstate woman stepped in and becomes the victim herself.

The attack happened in a Cottonwood neighborhood last Friday and Monday Sarah McClain made her second trip back to the hospital to be treated for her wounds.

McClain was on the phone with her father, waiting at the bus stop with her eight month old daughter,  Elizabeth, to pick up her eight year old daughter from school.

“The next thing I hear is oh no please don't touch her please stop no,” said Tom McGeorge, Sarah’s father.

McClain said she was across the street from Shawna Varnum's house when Varnum's pit bull, Zoey jumped the fence and came towards her.

“I thought at first I was too close to the yard and that he could reach me with his chains so I pushed out into the street and pushed the baby stroller north as far as I could.”

“I started maneuvering myself south and across the street when i realized he was actually attacking me.”

The pit bull bit Sarah's left side leaving gashes in her arm, buttocks, and shin. minutes later the owner's daughter came out to help.

The dog's owner, Shawna Varnum, who wasn't home during the attack says she can't stop thinking about what happened.

“I can't lay down and sleep because my mind won’t quit thinking about what she went through and how she feels.” “Every bit of it makes me sick.”

Varnum leaves Zoey in her front yard tied to a tree when she's at work, but she thought she was just being a good dog owner. Her message to Sarah was clear.

“I'm so so sorry and I know that's not good enough but that's all I have.”

[In the video, she holds up the THIN ROPE she really expected to hold a pit bull while she was at work all day.]

Shasta County Animal Regulation told KRCR NewsChannel Seven Joey will be quarantined for ten days to make sure she doesn't have rabies and will then be put down.

The Varnums' have another dog, a Border Collie mix that may also be taken away pending an investigation.

(KRCR - May 23, 2011)