Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ellean Berry of Fordyce attacked by pit bull, dogs killed

FORDYCE, AR -- "Well momma took the little babies out for potty time and when she was coming in, this dog came up from nowhere! And it just brutally attacked her dogs."

Charlotte Brinkley could not believe her eyes when she arrived at her mother's home early Thursday morning.

"I grabbed the first thing I could to get her little dog out of his mouth and that's not all he wanted. He wanted the other one too, and he got him."

After her daughter came to her aid, 84-year-old Ellean Berry made a call for help. Dallas County Sheriff Donny Ford arrived in minutes.

"When we arrived on the scene, the lady was standing out at the road and she was covered in blood and had her hand all wrapped up."

Brinkley says although her hand will heal, her mother's heart is broken.

"She was distraught. She was just beside herself. I mean, she was the breath those dogs breathed. I've never seen a dog to come into someone's home and do this."

After a short investigation, Ford found the pit bull's keepers.

"The dog had come from across the road. They were keeping the dog for another guy while he was in jail on drug charges."

Ford destroyed the pit bull, but says the incident isn't over.

"The guy keeping the dog is liable for the restitution and liable for the dogs."

Brinkley plans to care for her mother for the next few days. She'll restore order to her mom's home, but says she can't cure her broken heart.

"Those were her children and we are going to have to replace those dogs before she can come home."

(KTHV - July 14, 2011)