Monday, July 18, 2011

Pit Bull Bites 74-Year-Old Woman

PALM COAST, FL -- Carolyn Carlson Mclaughlin was walking her dog in front of 4B Farraday Lane in Palm Coast the evening of July 12 when she saw a rusty colored pit bull type dog on the front porch.

She told a deputy that as she and her dog started to pass by, the pit bull came running towards her and her dog.

People sitting on the porch, she said, and no one called the dog back or attempted to get the dog away from her.

The dog bit her on her right hand and just below her knee on her left leg, according to a police report, and bit McLaughlin’s dog around the neck.

McLaughlin refused medical treatment at the scene.

A deputy contacted Daniel Coletti and Patrick Morin at 4B Farraday Lane, where the dog was locked inside. They said the dog does not belong to them, but that they were watching the dog for a friend, whose name they could not remember, but that he possibly lived in the Mondex, or Daytona North.

Animal control was informed of the situation. No further action was taken.

(Flagler Live - July 17, 2011)