Friday, September 2, 2011

Australia: Pit Bull caught after killing pug in Sydney

AUSTRALIA -- Council officers have caught a dog that escaped from its owner and mauled to death a pug in a neighbouring yard in northwest Sydney.

A white Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier mix (named Emma) was caught this morning.

The pug died of its injuries after being taken to a local vet for treatment.

Residents in Baulkham Hills were put on alert and told not to approach the Pit Bull this morning as it continued to roam the streets after the attack

The Pit Bull was found about 8am (AEST) and taken away by council officials.

"Inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the incident continue," a police statement said.

"Sadly the injured dog could not be saved and has died as a result of the injuries sustained in the earlier attack."

OK.. and? Are they going to euthanize the killer dog? Or hand it back to its owner?

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The incident follows recent dog attacks in Sydney and Melbourne.

Two young children were bitten by a dog in Constitution Hill in western Sydney on August 30.

In Melbourne, four-year-old Ayen Chol died after being attacked by a pit bull mastiff at her home on August 17.

( - September 02, 2011)