Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dog could be destroyed in wake of attack

ILLINOIS -- A dog is being held by a veterinarian in connection with an attack on a girl two weeks ago in Streator.

The animal, a Rottweiler / Mastiff mix, attacked the girl the afternoon of Aug. 25 at 302-1/2 S. Sterling St., The Times learned after contacting La Salle County Animal Control Officer Gary Wind.

The girl, who turns 4 this month, lives a few doors away from the scene and was with her mother and a baby when the dog bit her face, requiring 38 stitches to her nose and chin area. Wind said the girl will probably need plastic surgery. The dog also lived in the neighborhood.

The dog's owner, Francis K. Scott, 53, was cited on a complaint of not having vaccinations or tags for the animal. The dog was taken to a veterinarian's office, where it remains while proceedings are under way to have it destroyed by court order or be declared vicious.

If the dog is declared vicious, the animal would be returned to Scott, but Scott would be ordered to take a number of safety measures, such as having to keep it in a pen whenever it is outdoors.

Scott has been cited several times before on complaints of letting his dog run at large.

(The Times - Sept 9, 2011)