Saturday, September 10, 2011

United Kingdom: Woman and her dog attacked by pit bull mixes

UNITED KINGDOM -- A woman had to go to hospital after she and her dog were attacked by three other dogs.

The woman in her 60s was out walking her dog with a friend in an underpass in Crowthorne Road North, Bracknell at midday on Saturday when another dog managed to break free from its lead and ran towards the woman, biting her on the arms several times.

While she was being attacked the victim managed to drop her dog who was then set upon by the offending dog and two others owned by the same woman, leaving the victim's dog with a number of injures which needed vet treatment.

After the attack the owner of the three offending dogs, described as Staffordshire bull terrier type dogs - one white, one grey and one gingery brown, gave the victim a mobile number, but it is believed to be a fake number and the police have not managed to contact the woman.

The victim suffered five to six puncture wounds on her arm from the attack and went to the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading to have them treated.

(Bracknell News - Sept 9, 2011)