Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ohio: Pit bull attacks CPS worker when he visits home to check on children

OHIO -- A worker from Lawrence County Child Protective Services was injured on the job when a dog attacked him Thursday afternoon.

Ron James was checking on the welfare of children in a household in Miller when the animal, a pit bull mix, attacked him around 2 p.m., Sheriff Jeff Lawless said.

James, who sustained injuries to his arm and face, sought medical attention at a hospital but was not taken by ambulance, Lawless said.

The dog warden was called and the dog will likely be quarantined while officials determine if the animal has had vaccinations, the sheriff said.

The sheriff said there is a possibility that the owners will face criminal charges, either for the well-being of the children or for the dog attack.

(Ironton Tribune - Sept 23, 2011)