Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Canada: Jamie Miller repeats all those worn-out phrases about Pit Bulls, trying to convince you they're not inherently dangerous

CANADA -- The following is a letter to the editor of the Wetaskiwin Times. I think the author did a pretty good job at hitting all the expected pit bull defenses. It's a textbook pit bull defense letter.

Using the quote 'blame the deed, not the breed' - check.

Calling them 'nanny dogs' - check.

Saying that Petey from the Little Rascals was a pit - check.

Saying that they're great with kids - check.

Mentioning the Dobermans from the 80s - check.

Saying there are no bad dogs, just bad owners - check.

The only thing missing from this letter is a story about how they had been attacked by a vicious Golden Retriever!

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Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter in response to Robert Behiels letter.

I am sorry his dog was attacked, but once again people are blaming the breed not the deed.

Would there be an outcry for a ban if it had been a shepherd?

I am a responsible dog owner and with proper training and socializing my dog is no more vicious than the Boxer down the street or the poodle or Shih tzu around the corner.

I walk my dog everyday and on numerous occasions have been rushed by dogs.

Again poor ownership.

It's unfair to point fingers at one specific breed.

As for children, there is no better family dog than a pitbull.

In the early part of the 1900s they were called the nanny dog.

Remember Petey from the Little Rascals, Tige from Buster Browns Shoes? They were all pitbulls.

In the 80's the dobermans had the bad rap, the 90s, the Rotti's (Rottweilers), now it is the pit bull. When will this end?

Education is the key when getting a dog.

Pitbulls are the gladiators of the dog world and are not for every person. So because one bad owner caused heartbreak and trauma for another family, should we all be punished?

Hopefully in the future people will see them for their strength, dignity and loyalty and Wetaskiwin will still punish the offender and not the breed.

There are no such thing as a bad dog, just bad owners.

Jamie Miller


(Wetaskiwin Times - Oct 12, 2011)
