Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ashford dog attack owner 'just walked away'

UNITED KINGDOM -- A DOG attack left a woman needing medical treatment and her pet requiring an operation after they were mauled in broad daylight.

Joanne King, 46, of Chesterfield Road in Ashford, was walking her two Lhasa Apso dogs, Tilly, two, and Lucy, 10 months, in a park off Woodthorpe Road when they were attacked.

After the incident, which happened on Sunday (December 11) at around 1pm, the owner of the dog involved left the park leaving Tilly, who suffered puncture wounds and a damaged eye, for dead.

Ms King said: “He [the other owner] had two dogs and one was wearing a muzzle.

"He said to me ‘don’t worry, they can be a bit funny but this one is muzzled’ and then the next minute his other dog, a lurcher, was attacking Tilly.

“People came rushing to help. This one man was booting the dog but every time the dog would get up and come back again.

“There were people coming over from all over the park screaming for help and the man didn’t do anything to get his dog off at all and then he just walked away.

“The dog also bit me and I’ve had to have a tetanus shot and I’m now on antibiotics.”

Surrey Police officers are now appealing for witnesses to come forward and are looking for the lurcher’s owner. The man was described as white and in his mid-40s.

Ms King added: “Lucy was traumatised by the attack too. The dog went after her first but she fit in between some railings and then the dog came back.

“Every time it was booted and booted away, it kept coming and coming. That dog just wanted my dog dead.

“The whole community is stunned and shocked, and one of the local dog grooming companies has contacted all its customers calling on people who might know anything to come forward. We are all traumatised by it.

“Tilly has had to return to the vets following her original operation. We weren’t sure if she would lose her eye but the retina is still intact.

“Apart from her badly damaged eye she also suffered four big puncture wounds, about two or three inches deep, in her back that needed stitching.

“This is unusual for dog bites because of the bacteria in their mouths but we had to stitch and sedate her.

“There are so many smaller dogs that go to that park and they now all run the risk of being attacked.

“One of his dogs was muzzled and the one that attacked was supposed to be the calm one.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information should call Surrey Police on 101, quoting reference SL/11/9395. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously and free on 0800 555 111.

(getSurrey - December 16, 2011)