Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dog to be put down after mauling postal worker in face

UNITED KINGDOM -- Bruno, the Staffordshire bull terrier which savaged a postman in the street, has been sentenced to death by a court.

The dog's owner, Joseph Bowers, was also handed a nine-month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months, banned from having a dog indefinitely, and ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work.

The 49-year-old's unleashed dog savaged John Grainger's face as he bent down to unlock his bike in Duke Street, Chelmsford, on August 11.

Mr Grainger, 62, who was just weeks away from retiring after more than 38 years as a postman, had to undergo reconstructive surgery at Broomfield Hospital, where surgeons rebuilt part of his face by using skin from behind his left ear.

Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC, sitting at Chelmsford Crown Court, told Bowers, of Murchison Close, Chelmsford, that he had only escaped jail because of his ailing health.

"Normally, people in cases like this go to prison and the dog is destroyed, but I've heard about your health problems," he said.

Bowers, a heavy drinker who suffered a stroke three years ago, admitted being the owner of a dog dangerously out of control.

Judge Goldstaub added: "Bearing in mind his occupation, Mr Grainger might be anxious. The dog ran around causing danger to everybody literally unleashed. Bowers knew it was dangerous. It had also bitten him."

Bowers' defence solicitor Peter Barlex said he had been given Bruno by a homeless friend.

(This is Essex - Dec 29, 2011)