Saturday, December 17, 2011

Months later, Black Lab mix still recovering from pit bull attack

NEW HAMPSHIRE -- IZZY, THE BLACK Lab mix who was seriously injured this fall after an attack by two neighborhood dogs, now plays in her South End backyard and chases a ball.

Missi Dow said yesterday the staples that lined her dog's chest and kept her back paw in place have been removed.

"She gets tired easily," Dow said, "but we're just thrilled with her progress and happy to have her be a functioning part of our family again."

Izzy was mauled by a neighbor's two American Staffordshire terriers in October outside the Dow home, near Rollins Park. It marked the last in a handful of attacks in the area by the same two dogs, who were euthanized shortly after. Their owner was cited for several violations.

The police responded to an early-morning call by Dow, who watched her husband, Doug Dow, fight to free Izzy. The police took the dogs away, leaving Izzy with gaping wounds that required countless staples and two surgeries.

But with the staples gone and her paw reattached, Izzy's wounds have healed well.

"Her personality is just unstoppable; she's the sweetest, funniest dog you ever want to meet," Missi Dow said. "There's a 7-inch scar on her chest, but you can only see it when she rolls over so you can rub her belly."

(Concord Monitor - December 15, 2011)
