Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dog attack horror

UNITED KINGDOM -- A horrified Helensburgh dog walker could only watch as his prized pooch was savaged by a crazed canine on the town's seafront.

Shocked Anthony Martin's friendly collie Jax needed four hours of extensive surgery to treat stomach-turning injuries suffered during the gruesome attack.

Animal-lover Anthony, 53, was walking lively Jax on Helensburgh promenade when a dangerous dog was left off the lead by its irresponsible owner - and set upon its 22-month-old victim.

The mutt - wearing a flashing blue collar - raced towards young Jax before sinking its teeth into the yelping collie's body.

The owner of the mystery attacker barely acknowledged the incident before skulking off into the night.

Unfortunately, as it was dark, Anthony was unable to provide a more detail description of the dog involved.

Normally playful Jax is now a shadow of his former self, refusing to leave Anthony's side, and needed ten stitches and a plastic tube fitted to his side to limit the chance of infection.

Adding insult to injury, Anthony's vet bill has reached a staggering £400.

The furious full-time carer, still seething about his fellow dog-owner's disgraceful behaviour, told the Advertiser: "His nature has totally changed. He is a dog that loves all other dogs and I don't think he understands that some dogs can be nasty.

"Jax is usually very lively and playful, but he has gone very quiet since it happened and is scared to leave my side when we go outside.

"I put Jax back on his lead and the dog just went for him. I tried to put my leg in between them but this dog was too strong. Poor Jax just yelped in pain.

"I was worried about Jax so I wanted to get him home. It wasn't until we got him back and into the light that I noticed how bad his injuries were."

Anthony, who has lived in Helensburgh for three years, has contacted the council's dog warden in hope of bringing the owner of Jax's attacker to justice.

A council spokeswoman said: "Argyll and Bute Council actively pursues any allegations we receive regarding irresponsible dogs, and a number of dog control notices have been issued to dog owners within the council area.

"We have received information regarding an alleged incident in Helensburgh at the weekend, and we are currently following that up."

(Helensburgh Advertiser - March 7, 2012)