Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dog shot when it lunges at officer, police say

WISCONSIN -- A Madison police officer shot a dog that lunged at him early Friday morning on the east side, police reported.

The incident happened shortly after midnight in the 1900 block of East Washington Avenue, according to a police news release.

Police were called to the scene after the dog, a pit bull terrier type, was acting aggressively to passersby while leashed to a pole on the street.

Officers first tried to use a dog catching pole, a pole with a loop at one end, to capture the animal, but the dog kept lunging at officers, trying to bite them.

"The dog was able to free himself from his choke chain collar," said police spokesman Joel DeSpain in the release.

With the dog now free and able to attack, an officer tried to use a Taser on the animal but couldn't get off a good shot.

"The dog then crouched down in front of another officer, springing at the officer from 10 feet away," DeSpain said. "The officer backed up and fired three rounds, one round striking a paw."

One of the bullets ricocheted off the ground and struck a parked car.

"The owner of the car understood the situation," DeSpain said. "He'll get a police report for insurance purposes."

The dog appeared to be abandoned.

"Officers were concerned citizens would be attacked if the situation was not resolved quickly," DeSpain said.

The dog was taken to an emergency veterinary clinic for treatment.

(The Cap Times - March 2, 2012)