Sunday, March 4, 2012

Man Walks Around With Spear To Protect Himself From Dog

NEW MEXICO -- Some residents said a dog is terrorizing their neighborhood and they have to arm themselves when they go on walks for fear of an attack.

 John Williams said he's been building a case against his neighbor's dog for three years, even making a poster to present to the city that features the wounds of his pets and other neighbors' animals. Williams claims all the wounds were caused by an area dog terrorizing those who live in his neighborhood.

 "This dog is not scared of anything," Williams said. "Why do we have to wait for another victim to happen when we already have six victims in this small area we live?"

 Williams said he's called animal control numerous times and showed Action 7 News the incident reports. He said has a restraining order against the dog and has filed a lawsuit against the owners. In addition, he's waiting for the city to hold a dangerous dog hearing, which Williams said keeps getting delayed.

 "We want the city to move forward with this dangerous dog hearing, and we want the dog moved out of here so we can take a walk and not worry about being attacked," Williams said.

 Williams said he used to feel safe walking in this neighborhood, but now he carries a spear with him.

 "The neighbors are walking with a stun gun and I'm carrying a spear," he said. "I have to. I have to protect myself and my dogs."

 Action 7 News stopped by the dog owner's home to see what they had to say, but nobody was home.

 A city attorney said the latest hearing was postponed because the owners asked for a continuance and it was granted. The attorney said the hearing will happen.

 The city attorney said they cannot impound the dog as the hearing process continues. If that's what the neighbors want, they will have to go to court and ask a judge to make that order.

(KOAT - March 2, 2012)