Sunday, March 4, 2012

Investigation into Pit Bull Shooting Complete

NEVADA -- What started as a routine traffic stop in Carson City ends with a pit bull shot and killed in front of its family. Now, that family is mourning the 7-year-old dog they called Snickers. But according to the Sheriff, the officer only fired after he was attacked.

"Here is me and Snickers and this is my favorite picture because you can just see the love in her face," says Asya Pedone, showing off pictures of her beloved pet on her phone.

Pedone says Snickers was her best friend. She got the animal as a rescue dog three years ago and the two were inseparable until last week.

"In the end, we're not getting her back. She's gone," says Pedone, recalling what happened last Friday.

According to the Carson City Sheriff's Office's incident report, Pedone and her boyfriend, Kevin Parish, were driving with two of their young kids and two dogs near the post office on South Roop Street, when an officer pulled them over. He believe the kids were not buckled in. However, he soon learned there were warrants out for both adults in the car.

"This thing went from a routine traffic stop for unrestrained children to warrant, felony warrant, arrest very, very quickly," says Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong.

Sheriff Furlong says that when another officer showed up, they tried to arrest Pedone and she resisted. That's when Snickers jumped out of the car.

"The dog attacked the officers," says Sheriff Furlong.

"There was no mark," refutes Pedone. "I know my dog. She has never bit anyone."

Sheriff Furlong says that he disagrees with her, since he says he actually saw the injuries to the officer. He says his guys had no choice but to shoot.

Pedone says she didn't just hear the shot that killed her dog, she felt it.

"I had my hand on his arm and I felt the gun fire and I felt the shot that killed her," she says. "My heart sank."

The Sheriff says it's a sad case, but the officer - who felt threatened - did everything right.

"The witness reports are consistent with everything we have. One gentleman took a video from his iPhone, if you will. We had a chance to review that. It is consistent with what the officers have said," says Sheriff Furlong.

Pedone says - after all of this - the most heartbreaking part is that she will never see her dog again. "You know, she was an amazing dog and it's just a tragedy. It never should have happened."

Sheriff Furlong says the officer involved in the shooting was checked out at the hospital and returned to duty immediately. He says the investigation is complete.

(KOLO - March 2, 2012)