Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Pit Bull ordinance

CALIFORNIA -- We had a male Pit Bull Terrier, two other dogs and a cat. We love our pets. Our dogs were walked and played with daily.

Several years ago, our young daughter was sitting on the couch petting our pit bull when her long hair fell across his face. His immediate reaction was to bite the hair and in so doing bit our daughter's cheek (fortunately missing her eye), causing a deep wound that required several stitches. This was not an attack, it was just a natural reaction.

However, the Pit Bull, so cute as a puppy, becomes a powerful dog with such strong jaws it can do a lot of damage with just one bite. One of the saddest days of my life was taking him to the pound, now called the Ventura County Animal Shelter. The attendant came, took the leash and walked away. Our dog kept looking back at me "why aren't you coming, where is he taking me.” I knew what had to be done, but I cried all the way home.

This breed has been so over-bred there aren't enough proper homes to take them in and euthanasia seems to be the only option, but its not.

The ordinance proposing mandatory spaying and neutering of Pit Bull Terriers countywide is the right thing to do.

- Carol Otterson, Camarillo

(Ventura Star - March 5, 2012)