Saturday, May 19, 2012

Destroy these dogs, pleads attack victim

UNITED KINGDOM -- A dog owner narrowly escaped having her finger amputated after she and her collie were attacked by two Staffordshire bull terriers – and says the dogs responsible must be destroyed before a child is their next victim.

Maria Hailstone, 41, of Eldene, was walking her one-year-old dog Trixie in Shaftesbury field near the Holiday Inn at Coate on Wednesday when the two dogs appeared and began attacking her dog.

In a bid to save Trixie from the attack, Maria tried to pull the two dogs away but one had pinned Trixie down by her neck and the other had hold of her by her hind legs.

Maria suffered severe injuries in the attack, spending four days in hospital and undergoing two operations, with a third due in four weeks time, to prevent the little finger on her right hand being amputated.

She has been signed off work for six weeks and is now on 10 different types of painkillers, while Trixie, who was taken to the vets by a police dog handler, suffered injuries and is now on antibiotics.

“It was the most horrific experience of my life,” said Maria. “The dogs appeared from nowhere and I could tell from their manner that they weren’t trying to play with Trixie.

“I was absolutely terrified but I was more concerned about Trixie than myself, I just wanted to get the dogs off of her and get away from them.”

Maria, who called 999 after the accident and was taken to the Great Western Hospital by ambulance, said the woman owner of the two bull terriers, who she believes spoke with a Scottish accent, was not concerned about her welfare.

“I just can’t believe she didn’t have the grace to ask me if I was okay. She knew I was injured, I was covered in blood and in shock, but she just didn’t care.

“I just want her found and I want the dogs destroyed before they get hold of a small child or an elderly person.

“I am a fairly strong person but if it was someone else, an old person or a little child, then God forbid what would have happened.

“Trixie is such a fantastic dog, so friendly. Everyone loves her and wants to stroke her, but now she is a bit nervy and a bit shocked.”

A Wiltshire Police spokesman said: “We can confirm that at approximately 8.30pm on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, we received a call from a member of the public who reported that she had been attacked by two Staffordshire Bull Terriers while she walked her dog along Marlborough Road in Swindon.

“Both the victim and her dog were injured during the attack. Enquiries are ongoing to identify the owner of the dogs and as this is a live investigation, it would not be appropriate to comment further at this time.”

Anyone with information should call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

(Swindon Advertiser - May 14, 2012)