Friday, May 4, 2012

Owner Relives Horse Shootings; Also Charged in Dispute

NEW YORK -- New developments relating to the case of six horses shot and killed in New Berlin.
Joe Mocco owns the horses and his neighbor is accused of killing them.

Now, State Police have charged Mocco with a violation in a separate incident.

Before that happened Action News met with Mocco Wednesday.

Joe Mocco relives the weekend he found six of his horses shot and killed.

"The next morning we heard two shots. A filly came running down, it was pregnant and the foal she had the year before had blood on it but was alright. Then my filly fell down and she died at that point. Then the kids came out and saw and it was all bloody of course and they start screaming and crying 'what happened? What happened?'" says Mocco.

When he went to search for the rest of his herd, he says he found three of his pregnant mares and one foal shot to death and covered up with tree branches.

"I wanted to throw up I was sick. I actually got tears in my eyes because it was just a horror you couldn't believe it a horror. These are our pets the kids rode them, I rode them," says Mocco.

Joe's neighbor, Lauren McMaster, 75, is charged with six counts each of criminal mischief and Cruelty to Animals.

Investigators believe he used a 12 gauge shot gun.

Mocco says McMaster and his wife had contacted him about the animals getting loose on their property.

"About two weeks ago when they first complained I went and I purchased a lot of electric fence. I bought a brand new electric charger," says Mocco.

"I'm sure that they'll get there justice. I'm going to leave that up to a higher authority because I don't believe in vengeance. I just believe that they're very tragic people that they would kill these beautiful animals. I mean these are beautiful purebred Haflingers for kids to ride that's what they're for and they just slaughtered them. They're twisted people," Mocco says.

State Police were back on Hunts Pond Road Wednesday.

They charged Mocco with a violation of the state Agriculture and Markets Law.

He's accused of allowing a bull to roam outside his property.

(WBNG - May 3, 2012)
