Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Second victim comes forward after Golden, B.C. dog attack

CANADA -- There are disturbing new details about a vicious dog attack in Golden, B.C.

A single mother is recovering in Foothills Hospital and faces permanent scarring after a dog repeatedly bit her in Golden, B.C. It happened last week at the Northern Wildlife Wolf Centre.

It now appears this isn't the first time the dog has attacked someone.

After Global News first aired the woman's story, a Calgary couple came forward to say a Karelin Bear Dog named Utah previously attacked them as well.

The couple says they, along with three small children, were leaving the tourist spot when the dog lunged at them.

“I saw him stand up… out of instinct I picked Kale up and turned. The dog latched into the side of my back and was not letting go,” says Monika Cicoria.

Cicoria suffered a severe laceration.

“I had four layers on. He went through all layers and left a gash 10 centimeters long. it was extremely painful,” adds Cicoria.

The couple filed a report to the RCMP and followed up with the owners through email.

They says all they wanted was assurances that this would never happen again.

In the emails, obtained by Global News, the operators replied saying how sorry they were about the situation, adding they were distraught over it, and would be ensuring that Utah was kept away from the public.

The owners go on to say Utah would now be kept behind a barrier keeping people away.

The centre first released a statement insisting last week's attack was the first time the dog had been involved in a biting incident. But on Tuesday, the centre admitted it had happened before.

Utah has been put down and the owners say the second dog involved doesn't pose a public threat. 

(Global Edmonton - May 1, 2012)
