Sunday, May 13, 2012

Two Pit Bulls Attack Dog, Owner In Land Park

CALIFORNIA -- Her dog Paco was barking nonstop to distract two vicious pit bulls from attacking her.

And within seconds, Barbara heard her dog yelping in pain as two pit bulls attacked him.

“They were just ripping him apart. It was devastating,” said Barbara.

That’s when Barbara grabbed a hose and aimed it right at the pit bulls, but the attack didn’t stop there.

“The dogs left him and grabbed me and ripped my finger apart,” said Barbara.

Thanks to 4-year-old Paco, who put his own life on the line for his owner, Barbara suffered only minor injuries compared to her dog.

Paco is fighting for his life and has serious injuries to his throat and chest.

“He also sustained a bite wound to his left face and lost ability to blink,” said Veterinarian Lisa LaChioma.
It’s an injury that could result in him losing his left eye.

While doctor’s say Paco is showing signs of fighting through the pain, he is still not out of the woods.

“The first 24 hours are critical,” said LaChioma.

Animal Services says finding the owner of the two pit bulls, who left Paco and Barbara in a bad condition, has proven to be difficult.

“They’re both neutered, they’re in good shape. That tells me something. Hopefully they’ll come forward,” said Gina Knapp.

The lack of responsibility from the pit bulls’ unidentified owner is frustrating for Paco and his family.

“They need to be held accountable for what their dogs have done to our family and the neighborhood,” said Barbara.

As for brave little Paco, going up against two much larger dogs to save his owner’s life, was worth every battle wound.

“He knows where he is, and he’s willing to fight for his mom,” said LaChioma.

(CBS13 - May 12, 2012)