Sunday, May 13, 2012

Arkansas: Pulaski County Dad Fights Off Pit Bull Attacking 3 Children

ARKANSAS -- A father, fought off a pit bull, viciously attacking his three children Saturday night.

A 3, 4 and 5 year old were jumping on their trampoline in the backyard of their home of Swagerty Drive in Jacksonville, when their father said the neighbor's pit bull began attacking them.

According to the children's parents the dog bit two of the children and bruised up a third.

The father Ian Woolverton, threw rocks, anything he could get his hands on to get the dog away.

He said, "I got up to check on them like normal and this dog was trying to go through the netting. I mean there's marks on the trampoline where you can see that it tried to go through."

The parents said they're taking the children to the hospital to be checked out.

Pulaski County Animal Control said they do have the dog and they are holding him until the owners can tell them anything about his history.

(Arkansas Matters - May 12, 2012)