Sunday, May 13, 2012

Young athlete is attacked by pit bull

GEORGIA -- A Columbus boy is recovering after being attacked by a dog Friday. News Leader Nine spoke with the victim who says he has scars seen and unseen.

"I tried to get away, he got me again," the victim Jabriel Jelks said.

Thirteen year-old Jabriel Jelks left leg looked liked like it had been mauled by a shark after his family says he was attacked by a neighbor's dog.

Jabriel says he was outside playing in his aunts' yard when the dog came out of nowhere.

"I just looked up...I saw [the dog] running at me. I didn't know what to do," said Jabriel.

The neighbor's dog bit him in the leg twice. However, before the dog could cause any more damage, Jabriels16 year-old cousin Jacoby Hawkins says he had to think quickly.

"[To get the dog off of him] I threw a chair," said Jacoby.

Jabriel was rushed to The Medical Center where he had to have surgery on his leg. "[The doctor says] he might have nerve damage. It might come and go but he's going to have problems with his leg" the victim's mother Jennifer Jelks said.

Neighbors say this has happened more than once with this particular dog. One day later, the dog is still on the loose."

"This is the second incident. I think it was reported in February he bit another woman on this street. Two other kids came yesterday and said they got bit by him but it was never reported," said Jelks

Jabriel's mother did report this incident. She says the dog ran away when animal control came to the scene.

The physical scars are bad but the young athlete has emotional scars as well. "I don't want a dog no more," said Jabriel.

After getting attacked, Jabriel is afraid to be around his own pet pit bull; he's asked his mom to give it away.

"I just hope he recovers off of it and he comes back to the same old him," the victims' cousin Jacoby said.

(WTVM - May 12, 2012)