Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3-Year-Old Recovering After Dog Attack

COLORADO -- A three-year-old boy is recovering from 11 puncture wounds to his stomach and face after an attack by a Rottweiler in his own front yard.

Conrad Skinner’s eye is swollen shut and he has several stitches on his face. His is still in a lot of pain from the wounds on his stomach. His parents say they’re just thankful he’ll be ok.

"You just have that feeling that you now it’s worse than what it should be,” Chad Skinner said. “I could tell it was bad."

Conrad was on a walk with his 10-year-old sister Madalyn. Witnesses say the dog attacked as they tried get back inside their home.

“I don’t know how but the dog got a hold of his head and right here, and then he just went for the side and started pulling and I was trying to hold on to him for dear life,” Madalyn said.

A man shopping at a nearby yard sale saw the attack and threw dishes at the dog before physically stopping it.

“He was, you know, punching and kicking him trying to get him off the child. By the time that he was able to get him off, his sister picked him up and ran him inside...then they went to the hospital," said Erin Cain, a family friend.

Conrad was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Animal control captured the dog, and told us the dog’s owner was not home when the dog got loose and attacked. The dog will be euthanized and the animal’s owner will be cited with one count of unlawful ownership of a dangerous animal.

(KKTV - June 4, 2012)