Thursday, June 7, 2012

Alabama: Postal employee Derrick Harris arrested on animal cruelty charges, 18 pit bulls seized

ALABAMA -- A Pleasant Grove man was arrested this afternoon by police on animal cruelty charges. Police identified him as Derrick Harris, 37, of 1009 11th Street in Pleasant Grove.

Harris was arrested by Pleasant Grove police at his place of employment, the Bessemer Post Office, Wednesday afternoon. Police say they arrested him at his workplace because he was not showing up at his home in Pleasant Grove.

Harris faces 19 misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty in addition to two felony charges for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

The (mostly) pit bulls and pit mixes, which included 18 adults and two puppies, had no food, and only a couple of them had any water when police and Humane Society officials removed them from the backyard of Harris' home on May 29.

Temperatures in the Birmingham area had climbed into the 90s in the days before the animals were rescued.

The dogs also had inadequate shelter, and fencing on the property was in such poor condition that dogs could be seen snapping through the gate, police said.

Some of the collars of the dogs were too tight and had started growing into the animals' necks, police said. One dog had freed himself and was attacking another when authorities arrived, police said.

The dogs remain in the custody of the Birmingham/Jefferson County Metro Animal Control Shelter.

Harris' bond has been set at $9,500, or $500 for each of the animals. Harris had been charged by city police about three years ago with operating a kennel without a license.

Detective Jason Davis said a hearing for Harris will be held on June 14.

Police say the pet owner has been cited and taken to court in the past for not caring properly for his dogs.

Police say when the owner was previously taken the court, he agreed to limit the number of dogs he kept at his home and said he would take better care of them. However, the Pleasant Grove police chief said today there were more dogs at the residence than ever and they were in worse condition that in the past.

(Press-Register - June 6, 2012)