Monday, June 4, 2012

Three dogs allegedly attack N. Spokane boy

WASHINGTON -- Three dogs attacked a North Spokane boy when a neighbor let them out of the house, according to the boy’s father.

His dad says 11-year-old Talon Jones was mowing the dog owner's yard when she let out a pit bull and two smaller dogs.

The smallest reportedly began attacking Talon, and the other two followed. They bit through his jeans and the boy suffered injuries all over his body.

Talon was taken to Holy Family’s emergency room and did get stitches. He is now home recovering.

His dad says the dogs’ owner did apologize and offer to pay for medical expenses. He has spoken to police and filed a report.

The father has not decided whether to pursue charges, since it would mean a death sentence for the dogs.

(KREM - June 2, 2012)