Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lewiston man speaks out after his dog was shot by police

‎IDAHO -- The owner of the dog that was shot by a Lewiston Police Officer in the Orchards told KLEW News he's still reeling from the backlash of the event.

Craig Pettit, 26, said he arrived at his Lewiston Orchards home on Monday to find his dog a few blocks down the street with a gun shot wound above his hind leg.

"You've never met this dog ever before and look at him he's laying on my foot," said Pettit.

Many people have spoken out to KLEW News since Monday's alleged attack, making claims that Pit Bulls, who are often associated as being dangerous dogs, are simply misunderstood. However, Robert Clark, who claims Pettit's dog, a Pit Bull/Boxer mix, attempted to attack him earlier this week said otherwise.

"I can recognize Pit Bull blood when I've seen it and I've been attacked by only one other dog that was a Pit Bull cross," said Clark. "I don't have too much use for Pit Bulls."

Clark said Pettit's dog, Chance, attempted to attack him while he was chopping wood in his backyard. He said he was able to ward Chance off with an axe until police arrived.

Once officers arrived in the neighborhood, the dog allegedly charged an officer, who then fired his shotgun at the canine. Pettit claims his dog is not dangerous and has never hurt or threatened anyone, even when Pettit is not around.

"He's never hurt a single fly," said Pettit. "Now, people are on the internet saying he should be put down and that he should be banned and that I should be banned from the city."

Pettit contends that his two-year-old pup is the perfect companion and is trustworthy even with small children.

"He's the sweetest dog in the world, I don't understand this and I'm not a huge advocate," said Pettit's mother Christie Heise. "I have another dog in there that I call my grand dog, he has three legs right now because he was attacked by two Pit Bulls and they ate his leg off. I would never ever have a vicious dog."

Since the attack, Pettit has lost his job due to the ordeal and is working on appealing L.P.D.'s decision to deem Chance as a level one dangerous dog.

"I've had threats that I should be killed because I'm a bad owner," said Pettit. "This dog, he's been sitting right by the whole time. He listens."

If Pettit's appeal is not granted, he must fulfill certain requirements in order to keep his dog. This includes purchasing a dangerous dog license for $100, posting a dangerous dog notice on his property, providing a secure pen for for the dog, getting a $50,000 bond surety against any injuries the dog might inflict and $50,000 in home owner's insurance.