Thursday, August 2, 2012

Animal Cruelty Suspected In Severely Neglected Dog

 NORTH CAROLINA -- A dog is fighting for his life Tuesday night. In what is described as one of the worst animal neglect/cruelty cases seen by animal welfare experts at the Asheville Humane Society, a black, standard poodle is fending off maggots among other parasites in his emaciated body that is completely matted.

"Officer Bradley of Animal Services for the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office brought the dog immediately to the Buncombe County Animal Shelter," explained Jennifer Brehler, Director of Operations and Government Affairs for Asheville Humane Society.

"Our staff immediately realized the level of distress this poor dog was experiencing and contacted Animal Hospital of North Asheville for emergency services."   

Professional staffers at the Buncombe County Animal Shelter worked quickly with a volunteer to help shave away the heavy mats confining his face. "We weren't sure if he was even able to breathe underneath all of the matting," explained Brehler. "This is definitely a tragic situation and we're hoping the dog makes it through the night."

"Animal cruelty and neglect is a horrific reality," said Asheville Humane Society President/CEO Katherine Shenar. "This dog deserved so much better. We are all hoping he pulls through this situation with his life. We are also hopeful that the Sheriff's Office will investigate this case to the fullest extent."

(WLOS - August 1, 2012)