Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cops: Woman shops, leaves dog in hot car

‎GEORGIA -- A woman is facing animal cruelty charges after Gwinnett police said she left her dog inside a sweltering hot vehicle while she went shopping.

Gwinnett police said a Buford Costco customer called them on Friday afternoon out of concern for the dog's safety.

"It was about 99 or 100 degrees inside the (SUV). The dog looked distressed. There was nothing for him to drink, just panting heavily," said Gwinnett County Police Cpl. Jake Smith.

Police said Curly, a 10-year-old poodle, was locked in the car for up to 45 minutes with the windows partially rolled down and the engine turned off.

The pet owner, Kelda Gordon, who found police waiting for her outside of the store, said Curly wasn't in any danger and that she frequently leaves Curly in the car.

"My dog has always been fine. We're leaving him in the car the same way that I've left him for the (past) 10 years," she said after noting her love for Curly.

In addition to animal cruelty, police have charged Gordon and her friend, Juan Salas, for disorderly conduct during their arrest outside of the store.

According to an incident report, both resisted arrest and Salas grabbed an officer's hand when he tried to handcuff Gordon.

(WSB Atlanta - August 4, 2012)