Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dangerous dog owners face 10 years jail for attacks which kill or injure

AUSTRALIA -- OWNERS of dangerous dogs which kill or injure people face up to 10 years jail under tough new WA laws introduced after a spate of attacks sparked community outrage.

The tougher penalties apply to attacks where a dangerous dog kills a person or puts a person's life in danger, which is now a new criminal offence.

Local Government Minister John Castrilli introduced the amendments to the Dog Act in State Parliament yesterday, which he said were aimed at encouraging more responsible dog ownership.

Under the proposed laws:
- the owners of dangerous dogs that attack, injure or kill people face up to 10 years imprisonment
- the sale, purchase, transfer, breeding and advertising of restricted breeds, including American pit bulls, will be banned
- local councils will have an improved ability to take action against nuisance barking dogs
- assistance dogs will be recognised as an extension of the guide dog provisions
- new dogs will have to be microchipped from November 1 next year

Mr Castrilli told PerthNow today the harsher penalties for owners of dangerous dogs would offer West Australians greater protection.

He said he hoped the amendments would reduce the occurence of dog attacks. 

In June, a six-year-old girl was mauled by a pack of dogs in Baldivis, suffering horrendous injuries to her head and face.

"We've had a spate in the last few months of a whole range of incidents, not only in Perth but also out in regional Western Australia as well," Mr Castrilli said.

"This is about improving community safety through increased controls.

"The vast vast majority of people are responsible owners. It's only a few that aren't and... (we're) putting people basically on notice that they need to be responsible and they are responsible for the actions of their pets." 

The Dog Amendment Bill 2012 will be debated in State Parliament next month.

RSPCA WA spokesman Tim Mayne said his organisation welcomed compulsory microchipping, but breed-specific laws were the wrong approach.

"It's the deed, not the breed. It's all about how an animal is socialised or trained. We would prefer to see all dog owners have training.''

Mr Mayne said a recent attack on a young girl involved ``five or six different breeds, none of which were on the banned breed list''.

Council rangers will also be given greater powers to deal with nuisance dogs.

Woman, 70, and pet dog attacked
The proposed legislation has been welcomed by recent dog attack victim Margaret Allen, 70, who is still traumatised from the incident on July 22.

The Beldon pensioner was walking her six-year-old fox terrier Scraggs near her home when a dog ran towards them and started mauling Scraggs.

The dog repeatedly bit Ms Allen as she tried to defend her dog.

"This thing came charging at me; it came from nowhere," she said.

"I was just screaming and the blood (was) pouring out of my hands. I couldn't breathe. It still hyperventilates me."

Horrified neighbours came to her rescue, and Ms Allen was taken to hospital for treatment.

Scraggs was taken to the vet and required stitches to bites on his head and neck.

Ms Allen said three weeks on she was still suffering from sore muscles in her chest.

"If you're attacked in the local shire, rangers should have more authority," she said.

Ms Allen said the Dog Act was outdated and the local government needed to have more authority to deal with dangerous dogs.

(Perth Now - August 15, 2012)