TEXAS -- A black Labrador dubbed “Pappy” by animal rescue workers, was found with a hole drilled through his paw and his head stuck in a jar.
Texas animal rescuers believe a jar was placed on Pappy’s head so he couldn’t fight back while being used as blood bait for dog fighting training, according to the Daily Mail. A festering wound on Pappy’s paw is also believed to have been an intentionally drilled wound.
Pappy was found wandering the streets of Dallas, covered with scars and near starvation. The black Labrador was spotted in the Five Mile Creek area of Dallas for nearly a week before rescuers could manage to snare him. Dallas animal rescuers feel the black Labrador was used as bait to teach fighting dogs to respond to the scent of blood. Metro Paws veterinarians amputated part of Pappy’s paw to prevent the seeping infection from spreading.
“This is not a random act of cruelty. That’s typically done to create a blood scent so the animal can be thrown into a fighting ring and used as a bait dog for training,” Animal Allies of Texas Vice President Nancy Pinkston stated during an interview with the Dallas Morning News. “Someone said they wish this dog could tell us his story. In some ways I’m glad he can’t. It’s probably much worse than we can imagine.
The jar stuck around Pappy’s head was reportedly cut “clearly and precisely” indicating the black Labrador did not simply get stuck accidentally. When Dallas animal rescuers caught Pappy he was so weak and frightened he could barely run or fight those attempting to leash him. Pappy reportedly showed signs of a broken spirit and flinched when anyone came near him, apparently fearful of being hit.
Animal Allies of Texas rescuers named the abused black Labrador after Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, a World War II fighting ace. Animal Allies rescuers note having heard of dog fighting rings with blood-covered arenas hidden inside otherwise nice and unsuspecting homes. Pappy is currently in a foster home and giving a half-wag of his tail occasionally – and now has a fighting chance at living a happy life.
(inquisitr.com - Aug 24, 2012)