Sunday, August 19, 2012

Owners must act responsibly – couple whose dog was hurt

UNITED KINGDOM -- Dog owners should take responsibility for their pets and not let them off the lead unless they are 100% sure they are safe around other animals or children, a couple has said.

Lisa and Pete Roberts have pleaded to dog owners to be responsible after their six-year-old beagle, Benny, was attacked by another dog – believed to be a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

The incident, which happened on Sunday in their front garden near Fort Road, St Peter Port, left Benny with a chunk of his left ear missing.

‘We don’t want any harm to come to the other dog whatsoever,’ said Mrs Roberts, 36.

‘The main thing is to raise awareness that people need to keep their dogs on leads.’

(This is Guernsey - August 15, 2012)