Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Autopsy Reveals Owner Attacked by Pit Bulls Died from Loss of Blood

ARKANSAS -- A frantic 911 call from a home on US 365 at around 11:00 p.m. on Friday led deputies to find 45-year-old Debra Renee Wilson-Roberts being mauled by her two pet pit bulls.

According to deputies, Wilson-Roberts was suffering extremely severe bite wounds to both her legs, and deputies initially believed it was possible the dogs severed one of her arteries. An autopsy has confirmed she died from a loss of blood.

Wilson-Roberts' husband, Brian Roberts, told deputies he had left the home for about 20 minutes and when he returned, he found his wife, lying on the floor of their home. He could not get to her, however, because their two pit bulls were acting very viciously and would not allow him entrance.

After Roberts called 911, deputies say the dogs also prevented them from getting into the home. Animal Services captured one dog and another was shot and killed.

Wilson-Roberts was pronounced dead on the scene. According to deputies, the dogs had been known to bite humans in the past, including Wilson-Roberts.

Pine Bluff Police also say they've received multiple calls from neighbors who reported the dogs had been neglected.

According to the Sheriff's Office, no criminal charges are expected for the husband in this case. The second pit bull, captured by Animal Services, remains in isolation at the Pine Bluff Animal Control Center.

(KARK - Sept 11, 2012)
