Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Girl Attacked By Pit Bull Released From Hospital

NEW YORK -- The three-year-old Rochester girl who was attacked by a family dog is recovering at home. Jayden Forrester was released from the hospital nine days after suffering severe facial injuries that included broken cheekbones, a severed tear duct and the loss of five teeth.

“I’m so glad she’s being herself; she’s Jayden again,” said her mother Malissa Moore.

It was an emotionally draining stay at Golisano Children’s Hospital for the Forrester family, but they credit hospital staff and doctors for saving their child’s life and keeping their spirits up.

“It’s amazing what they did with what they had to work with,” said Justin Forrester, Jayden’s father.

Originally, the family expected to be in the hospital for a month, but that changed last week when young Jayden was visited by her best friend.

“She was on her feet for probably ten hours, playing on the floor,” said her father.

For nine days, Justin, a tattoo artist and Malissa, Jayden’s mother sat at her bedside, praying for a full recovery for their daughter.

“Blessings really are everywhere now that I know where to see them,” Forrester said.

By Monday evening, Jayden was in her room reading vocabulary cards and blowing bubbles.

The dog that bit the child belonged to one of her aunts and was euthanized according to Forrester.

(13WHAM - Sept 11, 2012)