Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Six-month-old pit bull quarantined after attacking 12-year-old girl

CALIFORNIA -- Police took a 6-month-old pit bull away from its owner after it attacked a 12-year old girl in a park Saturday, police said.

About 4:35 p.m., police responded to the 3300 block of Country Drive to investigate reports of a pit bull attack at Centerville Park, police spokeswoman Geneva Bosques said. According to witnesses, the pit bull puppy got away from its owner and ran toward the 12-year-old victim, who swung at the dog to fend him off.

The dog bit the girl on her buttocks, and then again on her right forearm as she tried to push his head away, Bosques said. The dog's owner arrived and grabbed the dog, said, "I'm sorry" and ran from the scene.

Witnesses gave police a license plate number, which led officers to locate and stop the car near the owner's address on Mission View Street, Bosques said. The owner admitted being at the park and explained feeling badly about the dog biting the girl, at which point police seized the dog and took it to an animal shelter for quarantine.

This case will be forwarded to animal services for follow up, Bosques said. The child was treated for her puncture wounds and released.

(Contra Costa Times - Sept 10, 2012)