Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Man on horse arrested for DUI

KENTUCKY -- He's charged with an unusual crime. A man arrested for a DUI on a horse.

It's a crime that sheriff's deputies in Jessamine County say was a first for them, but the man who's charged in the case says he just as shocked as authorities.

"I had know idea you could be arrested for something like this," Danny Reynolds said.

Reynolds, 55, said he was trail-riding with some friends on John Watts Road near his home when he had to stop and take a break.

"I'm severely diabetic, so I stopped to eat some crackers to bring my sugar levels down when the deputy arrived and told me to get off my horse," he said.

Reynolds admits to drinking a couple of beers. "I normally don't drink, but we were celebrating my son's birthday."

He claims his diabetes made him light-headed when the deputy told him to get down, and that's why he staggered, not because he was drunk.

"The deputy said he wasn't going to arrest me until I started to stagger," Reynolds said. "That's when he placed me under arrest and took me to jail."

According the arrest citation Reynold's blood alcohol level was two-times over the legal limit. The arresting deputy stated "Upon a search of his pockets I located a package of rolling papers and a baggie of marajuana."

The deputy went on to say "Subject (Reynolds) had several beers in his saddle bag and a mason jar which he identified as moonshine.

"I've never seen it and I've been on the department for 23 years," said Chief Deputy Allen Peel, with the Jessamine County Sheriff's Office.

"It's a very unique case," said Peel. "But he could have swerved into a car, causing danger to himself and others."

"I really didn't mean to cause any harm," Reynolds said. "I definitely learned my lesson and I hope other riders pay attention."

Reynolds is charged with non-motor vehicle under the influence, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. He will answer to the charges in two-weeks.

Kentucky law (KRS 189.520) prohibits the operation of a non-motorized vehicle (a vehicle that is not a motor vehicle) while under the influence of intoxicants or substance which may impair a person’s driving ability. That includes, those who are riding horses, bicycles, skateboards, etc.

(WKYT - Sept 18, 2012)