Saturday, October 27, 2012

Animal Abuse Defendants Sentenced

OREGON -- On June 30th, Janet Spears and Rachael Frazeur were arrested and charged with Animal Abuse after deputies found several horses and foal in their care that were suffering from extreme malnutrition and abuse. The horses were taken to the United SPCA in Yamhill where one was eventually euthanized.

On October 23rd , both defendants pled guilty to Aggravated Animal Abuse in the First Degree (felony), Animal Neglect in the First Degree, and Animal Abuse in the Second Degree for the mistreatment of the foal.

Rachael Frazeur

Both received a suspended 1-year sentence and were placed on supervised probation with the condition that they not own or possess ANY ANIMAL during the time of their supervision. During the sentencing, Judge Lindsay Partridge explained that this probation condition means they can't own, ride, or have on any property in their possession ANY ANIMAL.

Judge Partiridge was horrified when viewing the photos taken of the horses at the time they were taken into custody. He told the defendants if they violate the probation, they will go to jail to serve the remaining year of their sentence.

Janet Spears
At the time of the arrest, deputies said the mare had a big, infected gash on its face. The owner, Janet Spears, told deputies that she bought the mare several months ago when the wound was small. Police said that Spears admitted that she hadn't taken her to the vet and thought it would heal under her supervision.

Frazeur said she and Spears planned to put the mare down after she foaled.

The mare's wound stretched from the horses nose to its eyes and prevented the animal from eating. She also had other wounds, including a split hoof. Becuse the mare had trouble breathing, she  couldn't produce milk for her baby. In turn, the foal was also malnourished.

The rescued foal has recovered
Sr. Deputy Brenda Lumley noted that with the Aggravated Animal Abuse conviction; there is a statutory 15 year prohibition on possessing ANY DOMESTIC animal.

Although the mare that was seized was euthanized by Dr. Barbara Kahl, the foal has recovered well and is now available for adoption. If you are interested in adopting it, please contact Dr. Kahl through their website.

(Marion Co. Sheriff's Office - Oct 24, 2012)