Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chihuahua Attacked By Rottweilers

NEBRASKA -- An Omaha woman was bitten by her granddaughter's Chihuahua after it was attacked by two rottweilers.

Police called to 27th and Y streets just before noon Friday say the woman was walking the Chihuahua when the dog was attacked by two unrestrained rottweilers. A neighbor heard the commotion and helped the woman free the dog. The woman told Channel 6 News the dog was so scared it bit her hand.

“She was taking them for a walk and headed home when two stray dogs came around the corner," said Martha Navarez, who owns the longhair Chihuahua. “He's really quiet so it concerns me. He looks like he is bleeding everywhere."

Mojo bit grandma in the finger as she tried to comfort him. “I think she might need stitches," said Martha. No one blames him for that.

She said the two big dogs each had a hold of his sides and pulled in opposite directions. “They didn't think he would come out, but once he heard me call him he came out pretty fast. He was actually my 20th birthday present, my first dog ever. I wasn't allowed to have a dog until I got older. My parents finally decided I could have one when I turned 20."

Police found the two rottweilers in a kennel about two blocks away. Their owner was cited for having unrestrained animals and destruction of property. Both dogs are current on their vaccines.

Mojo and Martha were off to the veterinarian. Mojo is now resting at home, trying to get comfortable. His condition is uncertain.

(WOWT - Oct 12, 2012)