Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pack of Dogs Kills Cattle in Lynch Station Community

VIRGINIA -- A pack of dogs is terrorizing a Lynch Station community. Over the past several weeks, the group of four or five dogs has attacked several pets in the area, and Thursday morning, a stunning attack left one family in shock.

The Robertsons had a herd of 10 cattle, but in minutes, the herd was cut down to 5. Around 6 a.m., a neighbor called Andy Robertson saying something wasn't right at his mother's house.

"When I got here, two of the cows were already dead and three more were on the ground, tore to pieces," said Andy Robertson.

The cows had been viciously and repeatedly attacked by dogs. Dogs so intent on injuring the cattle, Andy had to fire his gun to scare them away.

"I think they're killer dogs," said Sallie Robertson, the owner of the cattle.

Sallie and her husband, Doug, were in Radford when they got the call from Andy. Worried about their pets, they rushed home. But it was too late. Three cows had died, and two were injured so severely, they had to be put down.

"It's very emotional to see them, they were beautiful animals. To see them laying there, tore all to pieces like they were," said Sallie.

One injured calf is still holding on, but the Robertsons are afraid it won't make it. The other cows, got away with minor injuries.

"The saddest thing is, is the animals trusted us, and we just let them down," said Sallie.

No one seems to know where the dogs came from, if they're strays or someone's pets. But one thing the Robertsons do know -- their cows will not be harmed again.

"I don't know if these dogs are somebody's pets. But if they are, they better put them up. Because if they come back out here, they're not coming back home," said Andy.

The Robertsons say they called Campbell County Animal Control last week after a neighbor's dog was mauled. They say no one responded. We have not been able to reach animal control yet to verify that.

But the Robertsons added that they were happy with Thursday morning's response. A warden was able to find and kill two of the dogs that attacked their cattle.

(WSET - Oct 11, 2012)