Monday, October 8, 2012

Deputy shoots, kills Pit bull

CALIFORNIA -- A Palmdale sheriff’s deputy shot a pit bull to death that was running loose in an east Palmdale neighborhood, authorities said.

The incident happened around 6 p.m., Friday in the 3100 Block of Marbella Lane in Palmdale.

Neighborhood resident Steve Israel said his daughter went out to get the mail and then came running back inside.

“She said there was a pit bull running up and down the street, so of course I went out,” Israel said. “Here’s this chocolate brown pit bull, maybe about four or five feet in front of me, he charged me.”

The dog charged him twice before he was able to run back inside and call animal control, Israel said.

When he called animal control, they informed him that his neighbors had already called, but deputies got to the scene before animal control, Israel said.

“When deputies arrived the dog attacked them,” said Sergeant Costleigh of the Operation Safe Streets Bureau.

A deputy used his Taser to subdue the dog, but the Taser had no effect, Costleigh said.

“The dog continued to charge at the deputy,” Costleigh said. “The deputy withdrew his  service revolver and fired it at the dog three times, and the dog is deceased from his gunshot wounds.”

The owner of the dog has not stepped forward, and it was unclear Friday evening whether the dog had been micro chipped. The pit bull was a female and appeared to have recently given birth or to be nursing.

Israel said he was sorry to see the dog dead.

“You feel bad for the dog, but I have kids [and] the neighborhood’s filled with kids,” he said. “Thank the good lord that nobody was bitten, but it was close.”

(The AV Times - Oct 6, 2012)