Monday, November 19, 2012

Ten horses seized from old Detroit warehouse

MICHIGAN -- A dilapidated Detroit warehouse in an industrial area of the city has been the unlikely scene of a horse rescue.

Michigan Humane Society cruelty investigators, with Detroit Animal Control, seized 10 horses from the crumbling warehouse on Detroit’s west side late on Tuesday afternoon.

The society said the horses were in various stages of neglect or poor health.

The animals were contained within the warehouse, which had a significant portion of its roof missing, and there was little in the way of feed available.

Other agencies, include the Detroit Police Department, helped in the operation.

“It is appalling to see the callousness that some have toward these beautiful animals,” said Debby MacDonald, an investigator with the society.

“Thankfully, these horses will not have to suffer without care any longer. We are very thankful to our partners on this rescue, because without them, these horses would not be in a safe place receiving lifesaving medical treatment.”

The society said it would continue to work with other agencies in pursuing the ongoing investigation against those responsible for the condition of the horses.

It is partnering with the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH) of Michigan in the evaluation and ongoing care for the animals.

The costs of care could reach tens of thousands of dollars, due to the length of time that may be required to house the animals, as well as the often expensive costs of veterinary care.

( - Nov 17, 2012)