ALABAMA -- The St. Clair County District Attorney has confirmed that a couple who owned two Rottweilers that attacked and killed an elderly Leeds man are now facing manslaughter charges.
Jerry and Jacqueline Lenton are facing charges of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide after 83-year-old Donald Thomas was killed by the dogs in September. The two attacking animals were killed and 33 other Rottwilers were taken form the Lenton home.
Jacqueline Lenton |
Jerry Lenton |
A judge had decided that the 33 remaining dogs were to be euthanized, but changed his mind after seeing a segment on FOX6 News about Birmingham Jefferson County Animal Control's efforts to save them. Animal Control had to euthanize 5 of the 33, but the other 28 were adopted or sent to a Rottweiler center in New York.
The Lentons turned themselves in to Leeds police on Tuesday morning. They are due in court in mid-January.
( - Dec 11, 2012)