When backup arrived, they found the miscreant lying dead on a city street and the young police officer dazed at what he had just done. It took only seconds for one of the officers to retrieve an extra gun from his car and place it next to the body of the fugitive.
Is this unusual? We'll comment only on the practice of carrying an extra weapon. Yes, it's supposedly quite common and not frowned upon in many departments. These are handguns and usually untraceable. What about a long gun? According to not just Colbert County attorney and Democratic Party leader Billy Underwood, but our sources as well, this practice is also common in some departments.
We have no idea if the City of Muscle Shoals frowned upon this practice in the past or not. We certainly know the city has now classified Greg Scoggins' possession of a hunting rifle while on duty as being unauthorized.

Let's say we give former officer Scoggins a free pass on that one, how does Mr. Underwood plan to explain his client firing the fatal shot from his car? We also wonder how those who've contacted us to claim Greg Scoggins killed the deer to feed his family now feel about the mighty hunter paying what must be an exorbitant fee to Underwood on the small chance he will get his job back.
Let's remember that Greg Scoggins didn't just commit several illegal acts while on duty, but also dragged a 19 year-old male into the crime.
Scoggins reportedly contacted Muscle Shoals resident Casey Liles to meet him with a pickup truck to move the body to the Liles residence, a home in close proximity to Scoggins'. Now Liles may face charges of being an accessory to the crime.
We have had several conflicting reports on Liles' relationship to Scoggins and have previously reported that the youth was a family member. Specifically we have been told that Casey Liles is Greg Scoggins' nephew; however, several readers familiar with the situation have commented that there was no familial relationship.
Note: According to WHNT, the Alabama Department of Conservation will not be prosecuting Casey Liles, the 19 year-old who assisted in transporting the body of the dead deer to a local residence.
If that should be the case, we certainly apologize for the error. After all, who would want to be related to Natty Dumbo?
(Shoalanda Speaks - Jan 2, 2013)